Quebec Hockey Hazing Inquiry (CBC News Network Live)

Hillary Johnstone (CBC):
We've reached Moezine Hasham. He's the founder and executive director of the Hockey 4 Youth Foundation. It fosters inclusion for newcomers of all genders in hockey with programs in both Ontario and Quebec. Moezine also played minor and university hockey. Thank you so much for coming to join us in speaking about all of this today.

Moezine Hasham:
Thanks for having me, Hillary.

That First Step (The Hockey News)

From securing corporate sponsorships to tying hundred of skates, Hasham sees his labor of love come to fruition every time a kid steps on the ice for the first time. BY JARED CLINTON

There came a point when Moezine Hasham began to lose count of how many pairs of skates he had tied, It could have been when the number eclipsed a couple dozen. More likely, it was when it reached into the hundreds. 

It should be said, though, that this failure of memory is a point of pride for Hasham. He'd have it no other way. As founder and executive director of Hockey 4 Youth, pulling tight the laces on a first-timer's first pair of skates is his opportunity to share a special and personal moment with those he has sought to reach through his charitable venture: Canadian youth, particularly newcomers, who want to learn about and experience the national pastime in a safe environment. 

Top 20 Change-Makers: Moezine Hasham (The Hockey News)

From The Hockey News’ 2023 Money & Power Edition:

‘Agents of Change - Moving Things Forward’ - pg. 74

By Ian Kennedy

The need for social change in hockey has never been more apparent than it has been over the past year. A public reckoning has occurred related to hockey's culture and its associated issues of racism, homophobia, transphobia and sexual violence.

Carnegie Initiative shines light on programs attempting to make hockey more inclusive (Yahoo! Sports)

Hasham’s foundation, Hockey 4 Youth, provides ice time, equipment and programming completely free of cost to Canadian newcomers and marginalized communities.

He says his program has worked with over 600 kids representing 38 different countries and that 71 percent of newcomers express a desire to play hockey, but only one percent actually have the means to do so. MORE >