Off-Ice Programming

Hockey 4 Youth also provides off-ice life skills through our T.E.A.C.H (technology, entrepreneurship, community giving and healthy active living) programming which focuses on experiential learning opportunities.

T - TEchnology

Slalom Consulting - Hour of Code.JPG

Helping our youth acquire skills that empower them by learning how to code, create apps and become technology creators. (Picture taken at Slalom Consulting in Toronto)

E - Entrepreneurship

Helping our youth learn about entrepreneurship and the importance of financial literacy. The pictures above show our new Canadian youth participating in Days on Bay with our partner, the Junior Economic Club of Canada.

A - Arts

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Creativity is something that can be fostered on and off the ice. One of our projects is called, "Design Your Own Jersey" where our youth have an opportunity to create a one of kind jersey that expresses who they are. The poster above was created by VisualTalks!

C - Community Giving

Hussnia and Asma - Volunteer Opportunity.JPG

Community giving is important for acquiring skills, developing empathy and showcasing teamwork. Whether volunteering at school like Asma and Hussnia or giving back to the neighbourhood through area cleanups, we want our new Canadian youth to learn about the importance of being a contributor to the well being of their communities!

H - Healthy Active Living

Jumpstart outdoor skate with Mayor Tory and President Scott Fraser.jpg

Physical literacy, mental health, food and nutrition are all important elements of healthy active living. We are helping our new Canadian youth commit to participating in sport for life. In our eyes hockey is the best first step…or stride!